Prepaid Korea eSIM Activation Error Resolution Guide

We have compiled common activation errors and solutions for prepaid Korea eSIMs based on recent customer support cases.

eSIM Setup – Error Case
Customer A: “I scanned the QR code successfully and activated the eSIM, but an error occurred.
I also can’t access mobile data. What could be the issue?”

eSIM 설정오류-1

eSIM Setup – Causes of Errors
This issue occurs when adding a new eSIM from the same carrier while an existing eSIM is still active.

eSIM Setup – Error Resolution
If you want to keep your existing eSIM
– Do not activate the new eSIM while the current one is still in use.
– The safest method is to wait until the existing eSIM expires before setting up the new one.

If you want to use the new eSIM immediately
– Even if you manually delete the old eSIM profile from your phone settings,
the system may still recognize it as active if it has remaining validity.
– You must remove the old eSIM usage history to activate the new one successfully.
– If any issues arise, contact us immediately for a quick resolution.

eSIM Setup – Customer Support Case

Customer Support:
– “The QR code was scanned successfully, and the eSIM has been set up properly.
– However, an error occurred because your previous Korea eSIM number is still active
– and has remaining validity. It must be deactivated.
– Would you like me to proceed with the deactivation?”
Customer A: “Yes, please deactivate it.”


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