How can I do SIM Activation for free100, others, Korea SIM card?


This is SIM Activation for SIM Plan below.
– SIM Plan : Free 100, Plus B, Plus C, Magic, Basic.
– Read the enclosed manual carefully for quick and accurate SIM Activation.
– SIM Activation can be proceeded after user arrives and passing immigration desk in Korea.
– User must reply an received email of SIM Activation form at least three days before use.
– User can use their SIM only after doing SIM activation from us.

Working Hours for SIM Activation.
– Mid Week (Mon ~ Fri) : 09:00 AM to 8:00 PM, all the year.
– Weekend & Holiday :  10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, all the year.

– Activation Lead Time : 30 minutes.
– SIM starting information will be notified by email and SMS.


How to reply
– Email us back when received SIM Activation form as below.
– Write user name, arrival date and time in Korea, starting date and Attach required documents.
– Required Documents are as follow;

– When user’s nationality is Foreigner,
Self shot, Passport, SIM Card, Service Application are required such as A, B, C, D.

– When user’s nationality is Korean, One of two options applicable for user is required.
1) Korean Passport issued before Dec 21 2020
2) Korean Passport issued after Dec 21 2020

– 1) as holder of Korean Passport issued before Dec 21 2020 which written in full number of Korean ID
Self shot, Passport, SIM Card, Service Application  are required such as A,B,C, D.

– 2) as holder of Korean Passport issued after Dec 21 2020,
Self shot, Passport, SIM Card, Service Application and Additional supplementary document(E) are required such as A,B,C,D, E.
– Note that there is no full ID number of Korea in this new passport.
* With above reason, this new type of passport holder needs to submit one of required documents (E) in addition as follows.

– Korean ID/Drive License or
– Family Relation Certificate or
– Application form for Korean ID issuance or Reissuance
* Family Relation Certificate is issued from Korea diplomatic office in the foreign country or online site.

Notes of required documents
– Make sure that all documents are clearly visible and no covering in part is.
– A : Take a picture your face and passport clearly visible. (Don’t hide your eyes.)
– B : Take a picture passport details including your face and passport number clearly visible.
– C : Take a picture SIM Card including SIM Number clearly visible.
– D,E : Take a picture your details of documents clearly visible.

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